Helen Garrott Eye Surgeon

Helen Garrott – Consultant eye surgeon and oculoplastic surgeon at the Bristol Eye Hospital offers the highest quality of eye care, emphasizing each patient’s individual needs and desired outcome.

About Helen

Helen Garrott is a British and Australian trained consultant ophthalmologist, having undertaken multiple fellowships in oculoplastic and orbital surgery in Bristol and at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. She is an associate member of the Royal College of Ophthalmoloigsts and a member of the British Oculoplastic Surgery Society (BOPSS). Her qualifications are BMedSci, MBBS (Hons), FRANZCO.

Helen holds an NHS consultant post and is the lead for the Orbital Service at Bristol Eye Hospital, which is one of the pre-eminent institutions for eye surgery in the UK. She deals with complex orbital and oculoplastic problems, including tumours, inflammatory diseases and thyroid eye disease, and receives referrals from the whole of the South West of England. She also undertakes cataract surgery, as well as general ophthalmology.

In 2017 Helen Garrott became a inter-specialty member of BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons), in recognition of Helen’s expertise in the field of cosmetic eyelid surgery, including blepharoplasties (eye lift surgery).

Helen was Chairman of the Thyroid Eye Disease Charitable Trust (TEDct), a charity providing information and support for patients with thyroid eye disease, from 2011 to 2014.

Helen Garrott Eye Surgeon – Ethos

Helen Garrott strives to provide a high quality service with an individualised approach to her patients, taking into account their aims, expectations, concerns and unique characteristics.

With a background and extensive experience in complex ophthalmic, oculoplastic and orbital conditions through her NHS post at Bristol Eye Hospital, Helen Garrott is in a unique position to provide the best level of care for her eye patients.

Helen manages a full range of ophthalmic conditions, with an emphasis of oculoplastic surgery, orbital surgery and cosmetic eyelid surgery, including blepharoplasties – (eye lift surgery).

The core ethos and aim of Helen Garrott is to provide patients with a thorough, sensitive assessment of their condition, empowering them to make informed choices about their eye care. Helen aims ensure that her patients are happy with their treatment, and always considers all treatment options before proceeding to surgery. Her training as an oculoplastic surgeon, puts her in the ideal position to provide safe, conservative cosmetic surgery around the eyelid region, specifically taking into account any effects the surgery may have on the eye itself.



Vision Eye Institute
Camberwell Clinic
27 Denmark Hill Rd
Hawthorn East VIC 3123
Tel: 03 9882 1347

Footscray Clinic
89 Paisley St
Footscray VIC 3011
Tel 03 9689 9718

Bayside Eye Specialists
323 Nepean Hwy
Brighton East VIC 3187
Tel 03 9596 7440